So, tis the season to make new decisions regarding life, love and happiness. I've thought long and hard about what I want out of this new year and I've come to a decision. I want a clean slate. I want to have a fresh start and I want to make 2006 more about doing stuff for myself instead of worrying about work, friends and family. It's time that I come first for once...otherwise I'm just going to lose my mind. I tried to work on this task last year but it didn't work out so well due to unforseen events. However...this is a year of no excuses. I've already started putting money away in another checking account for the year's expenses.
I want to travel...the last vacation I had was when I was like 19....and I want to see more than just the typical Florida Beach like most Georgians do. I want to go overseas. I bought an Atlas and I'm currently circling places that I want to visit. Now I know I'll probably only make one international visit this year but there are lots of places I want to go in the future.
Currently circled: Brazil, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Russia and Italy. If anyone knows of any other nice countries to visit..please let me know.
Plans for this year:1. Skydiving
2. Travel
3. Ride in a hot air balloon
4. More trips to the High Museum of Art
5. Visit the planetarium
6. Visit the Fernbank Museum
7. Visit the recently opened Georgia Aquarium (the biggest aquarium in the world)
8. Write more
9. Get a massage
10. Lose 15 lbs
11. Rent a convertible and take a road trip to somewhere I've never been
12. While on vacation create an alias to go by and be that person while on my trip
The list will get longer as I think of more things that I want to do...if anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to let me know. This year is about living my life to the fullest.