Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Inevitables

An 'Inevitable' is one ex in your life that no matter what, you always seem to find yourself being drawn back to.

It's an inevitable fact. You can be apart for years at a time, date other people, move away...and yet, without end up finding each other again. It's almost like we have these super powerful magnets implanted somewhere that keep pulling us together instead of pushing us apart. You can only run so far in the other direction before you run out of strength and the magnetic pull whizzes you backwards to it's other half.

The downside is that in the end, no matter how many times you find each other... you always end up wandering alone again.


Blogger tsduff said...

Linny, not ALL end up alone - I'm happily and mushily back together with my first ever. There's hope yet :-)

4/13/2006 7:55 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

I guess I really shouldn't have said 'alone'...that's just how 'I' feel sometimes.

I guess it would be more appropriate to say that more often than both wind up wandering off again...fighting against the pull.

4/13/2006 8:05 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

I used to refer to those people as the inevitables. Inevitably you always end up with them. I don't think they're good for you though. Like a drug addiction, you only have euphoric recall. You magically only remember the good times and forget the bad stuff. Linny, have you ever seen Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind? It's about a couple like that. It's a very interesting movie.

4/13/2006 8:10 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Phil I like your word better. Mind if I use it?

4/13/2006 8:34 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

Since I'm borrowing Denial you can have Inevitables. It seems like a fair trade. First one to fame wins!

4/13/2006 8:46 PM  
Blogger lauren said...

wow, i came here via shady and this post is exactly what i needed to read. people who haven't experienced that kind of chemistry don't get it. i've got that with the first love and with the most recent love.

so how does one pull away?!

4/13/2006 9:59 PM  
Blogger Outdoorsy Girl said...

How true this is! I am personally ready to demagnetize myself from mine.

4/13/2006 11:42 PM  
Blogger Princess Pessimism said...

OH MY GOD linny, in my last confessional I wrote about how I had recently reconnect with someone from my past, and hadnt decided if it was a good thing or not yet....

I spent hours talking to him today...catching up....the blog you wrote..this is that guy for me...your timing, with this post, is impecable dearest...

4/14/2006 12:38 AM  
Blogger Curlz~ said...

thats scary

4/14/2006 4:26 AM  
Blogger Courtney O. said...

true statement...

4/14/2006 8:57 AM  
Blogger Valerie said...

I have one them too. sigh

4/14/2006 2:37 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

I hear you. It always ends up the same way too. I think it is more of a comfort and convenience thing in my case.

4/14/2006 4:13 PM  
Blogger Miss Ash said...

I thankfully have not yet run into any of my exes ever, nor would i want to reconnect with any of them.

There are however others, that i've dated here and there, that i would not mind bumping into :)

4/14/2006 4:21 PM  
Blogger Autumn Storm said...

Interesting - has never happened to me, so cannot relate. I'm thinking thoughts, I don't think you want to hear like maybe there is a reason... :-D

4/14/2006 8:48 PM  
Blogger mistyblue3 said...

what have you been up to linny?? Did you start something back up w/ an x?

4/14/2006 10:39 PM  
Blogger Agnes said... me one of those too. 13yrs of back and fourth banter about "what if". Nothing of it now, of course, being that I'm married and all.
Here's a funny thing for you...the more years go by, the more I realize life wouldn't necessarily have been so great with him. In fact, life is pretty good without him.
I think it's fine as long as both can say up front that it isn't serious or forever. Just as there are reasons we bounce back (feeling of comfort) there are reasons we bounce away (reality).

It's all good fun if no one is stringing anyone along.
Good luck hon.

4/17/2006 6:18 PM  
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