What's Your Secret
I've got a secret...
We've all got secrets.
Things we hide in the deepest, darkest parts of our being. Things that maybe we're too embarrassed to say outloud. Or things we're scared to share for fear of being judged.
Now is your chance to free yourself of that burden.
Taking a cue from Post Secret, I'm inviting all of you to sign in Anonymously, here and now and tell us your secret.
I'll tell you mine...if you tell me yours.
I'm in love with him and he doesn't know I exist.
i keep everything to myself
all the time
and no matter how much i want to let people in i can't
I want be so thin that I disappear.
I'm afraid that I'm going to be alone forever.
I become invisible to him when his daughter is here.
I don't know who or what I love in life...
I don't know where I am going and I don't have what It takes to change where I am headed...
I don't really know who I want to be or who I am...
I am lost beyond reason.
I wish I was an alcoholic so I could drink my pain away.
I not as tough as I portray myself to be, I am weak-minded and I tend to make myself believe I am someone I'm not.
I cheated, I did two.
Like a few people you might know, parts of me have been blown up. You just never fully recover from that. Even if you might look reasonably 'fine'. You've just got to hang on as best you can.
Some of those are mine too.
I'm afraid that I will keep repressing aspects of who I am and continue to nurture others. I am afraid of everything I do being a mistake. I am afraid of regretting the things that I did not do. I am afraid of not having it in me to go after what I want. I am afraid of rejection and it cripples me.
I gave a baby up for adoption at age 19. Not many people know about it.
I'm bi but I don't tell my hubby.
I did something very naughty with another blogger today, and it was so good.
I have had sex with my friends' girlfriends and then tried to convince them that she wouldn't cheat on him.
i keep wanting to write stuff here, but i can't bring myself to push the button
Sometimes I wanna die..
The guy I am dating has issues with sex...he cant stay hard.
The girl I am dating makes good company but is terrible in bed. I cant stay hard!
It's been too long. I want to feel the touch of a woman...just don't tell my husband.
I think I love you but I don't know if you love me back...
I am in love with a man who I am pretty sure won't give me a chance.
I am fucking pissed off that I don't have someone in my life and people that don't deserve and appreciate relationships are never alone.
i know i deserve happiness and i know i'm going to find it soon, she has convinced me that i deserve her and deserve to be happy, so why don't i believe it?
I am still in love with my ex.
I am unable/refuse to empathize with people.
I was molested as a child.
Here's another secret... apparently I am stooopid and didn't hit the ANONYMOUS button ... Miss Spinster if you find it in your heart to hit DELETE for me I'd appreciate it!
Kelly...message deleted. :o)
Don't feel bad...I very nearly did the same thing to my secret.
Lindsey you are THEEEEEEEE best! I did the secret thing on my blog a few months ago but didnt get as great of a response as you have... this is brilliant! I love asking people for their secrets... it is nice to find out that others are human....
5.22 pm - Wow, are you my twin?! I can totally sympathize, seriously. Good luck to you. Good luck to us all.
I'm scared this is all going to backfire and one of them is going to get hurt.
I'm terrified of causing anyone to hurt the way others have hurt me but I can't bring myself to make a decision yet. It's too soon.
My "agent of hooha intoxication" is 10" and I have never found a woman who can fully accommodate my size. As a result, my sexual encounters have been less than fulfilling, no pun intended. :-D
i think he might be The One, but i've thought that before. as a result i'm not sure i can trust my own judgment.
I am in love with a boy I haven't met and who lives in another country and is coming to visit me in just a few short weeks! Did I mention English isn't his first language either....
It's amazing how that seems to be going around. ;o)
I don't love my parents.
i want to dress in women's clothes, but i am too chicken
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