Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Apparently time has been flying by while I have been twittling my thumbs, completely oblivious to the fact that I have two 'Biggies' barreling towards me at a rapid pace.

The first is that exactly one week from today...I am turning...ok, I'm not even sure I can say it.


Let us all observe a moment of silence.

The second is that Captain McSteamy will be here in two weeks for his R&R. I don't mind telling you that I'm looking forward to that...though getting your house ready for a guest is more work than I was expecting. But it will be worth it. He's funny and sweet. He shares my love of all things quirky and thinks my Darth Tater and Spud Troopers are cute...not to mention that he's incredibly hot. (Ummmm, El Capitan...I know you peruse this page from time to time..so don't let that last comment go to your head mister.)

So without even realizing it...events are about to occur that are going to change things...we'll just see if it's for the better...


Blogger Jennifer said...

Tire yourself out cleaning! On my first date with my current boyfriend, I realized after he left that the ugliest pair of old undies were hanging in the bathroom the whole time, right at eye level. I was mortified.
Later, when we were more comfortable with eachother, I asked if he had noticed. He had no idea what I was talking about.

7/10/2007 3:30 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

That first sentance was supposed to be, "Don't tire yourself out cleaning."

7/10/2007 3:41 PM  
Blogger Professor Fate said...

Sometimes things are exactly as they appear.

7/10/2007 7:22 PM  
Blogger SaffronSaris said...

Happy Birthday in advance :D
Looking forward to hearing abt Eric when he meets you, suppose you'd be tooo busy to blog there ;)

7/10/2007 8:38 PM  
Blogger MARFSBABY said...

I'd give anything to be thirty again you lucky girl...

7/10/2007 9:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, thirty has come and gone for me...just turned thirty two a couple of weeks ago. In the words of Randy Jackson: it was aiight.

7/10/2007 11:25 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

Not 30, never 30 .... it's 29B!! This is the year you start counting letters instead. Happy Birthday!

7/11/2007 12:13 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"You can only perceive real beauty in a person as they get older."

Have a wonderful birthday!

7/11/2007 9:31 AM  
Blogger lolly said...

I have a visitor this weekend too and I too am in a cleaning frenzy! It'll all be worth it in the end.....

7/11/2007 12:39 PM  
Blogger Miss Ash said...

Weeks to prepare for a visitor....slap on some new sheets and give the place a nice dusting haha. Oh and don't forget some err umm whipped cream and chocolate perhaps.

7/11/2007 1:52 PM  
Blogger KellyNerd said...

30s are AWESOME I promise!

7/11/2007 2:12 PM  
Blogger Professor Fate said...

Bah! 30! It doesn't sound as fake as 29! :)

Have fun in a week and more fun on the weekend.

7/11/2007 9:25 PM  
Blogger Keshi said...

aww HAVE A BLAST sexaaay!

Happy 30th...ur still young n beautiful babez!


7/12/2007 2:01 AM  
Blogger Princess Pessimism said...

MCSTEAMY!!!! Well well well....he is quite delightful if I do say so myself!!!

And as for 30....I was GREAT about turning 30...but now that im seeing how everyone else is handling it, im not as excited as I was.

There are things that I wanted to put into place before my 30th b-day....im so lazy that I cant see them happening anytime soon.

Im quite disappointed in myself to be perfectly honest, but with school, and work, my thesis and homework...i cant find the time, or motivation.

7/13/2007 2:49 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

Hey - 30's a breese - wait until you slam into 50... ! You can handle it dear :-D

7/13/2007 7:32 PM  
Blogger Autumn Storm said...

You'll love it once you get here, guaranteed. 30 is the new 21. :-)

7/14/2007 7:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

30 rules.

Trust me. :)

7/14/2007 6:07 PM  
Blogger blackcrag said...

Why do people cry over 30? honestly, it's just another day, and there will be another day after that, and one after that, and if enough pass, the day will come when you trun 31.

Again, what's the big deal? Unless you're judging yourself, thinking certain things should have happenned by whatever number looms on your personal horizon. They haven't, and you are the person you are because they haven't. If they had, you'd be soemone else--much the same but that experience would have altered you, for good and bad.

Don't go thinking things have to happen to whatever calendar is flipping pages in your life, because it's crap. Decide what you want, go after it, and what hppens along the way is life. Enjoy it.

"Life is what happens whe you're making other plans." - John Lennon (I think)

(oh, and have some fun with Capt. Steamy, too.)

7/15/2007 2:25 AM  
Blogger Courtney O. said...

Do keep us up to date on details!!

7/17/2007 10:11 AM  
Blogger Courtney O. said...

And PS - WHERE IN THE HELL IS KATIE? I miss reading her blog!!

7/17/2007 10:11 AM  

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