Tuesday, December 19, 2006


For me, it just doesn't feel like Christmas.

I can't quite put my finger on the how or why...but there is just no holiday cheer in this little heart of mine.

Normally this time of year has me bustling about...listening to my Christmas music in the car, decorating the house, cutting down a Christmas tree...painstakingly writing out thoughtful Christmas cards to send to my friends...

I don't know guys...I just don't have the heart to do any of it this year. It's like the Grinch has stolen my holiday cheer.


Blogger Miss Ash said...

You cut down your own Christmas tree normally???

I'm a bit of a scrooge, in fact my sister told me i was on TV the other day. When i took a peak the Grinch was playing...

12/19/2006 7:15 PM  
Blogger Outdoorsy Girl said...

Feeling the SAME WAY exactly. Blah.

12/19/2006 7:15 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Ash and OG...glad I'm not alone. haha. Yeah...I go to the Christmas Tree farm and cut one down every year. It's a lot of fun.

I have mailed out over 300 Christmas cards to troops...that was the only cheer I had in me.

12/19/2006 7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard the same thing from lots of folks and on lots of blogs...and I feel the same.

I kinda just wanna get it all over with.

12/19/2006 7:28 PM  
Blogger SaffronSaris said...

You go to a Christmas Tree farm and cut one down every year? So you have a fresh off the soil Tree in your house every year. OMG, I can't tell you how jealous I am of you!!
your christmas hasn't gone MIA, it's been spread to the troops you sent greetings to :)

12/19/2006 7:40 PM  
Blogger mist1 said...

I'm a Grinch. I'm not ashamed.

12/19/2006 9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the Grinch! Its the best thing about Christmas. Actually, the best thing about Christmas is that I don't celebrate it (Channukah Rocks!!). Here is a Grinch to help get into the spirit of things.

12/20/2006 2:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i htink this year seems to have hit everyone with a big ole sack of scrooge-ness

i'm the same, in fact loads of people i know are the same.

it's just not the same as when we were kids is it? i don't think it ill be the same either until i have kids myself, i think i'l get back into the christmas feeling

12/20/2006 7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the first year in three that I've put up a Christmas tree at all. It's just a little, table-top one, but it made my mother feel better. I think she worries that I'm going to get depressed at Christmas, being so far away from home and family, that I'll off myself. But, I feel like I want to share my sense of renewal and hope with someone this year. Shame there's no one close, isn't it?

Maybe one of those nice, strapping, young soldiers will pass through on leave and, um, give you something to unwrap under the Christmas tree? Er, stuff your stocking with? Oh, you know what I mean.

12/20/2006 2:09 PM  
Blogger PAINKEY said...

i dunno but you are def. not alone.
who knows what the heck is in the air. perhaps thats whats it bc over here in Texas the weather sure aint so christmasy. I feel like its sept. or oct.
I think time is just flyin by too fast to soak in that they year is almost done with.....

hang in there linny

12/20/2006 3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something strange is going on, it's the same here - everyone I speak to is just not feeling it, and most haven't even started prepping yet, and we have only days left.
Anyways, pumpkin, still time - put on those CDs and dream of a White Christmas. Whatever happens, I hope you have a happy holiday, xoxo

12/20/2006 6:10 PM  
Blogger Courtney O. said...

I hope he gives your holiday cheer back soon :)
But I totally understand - we've been so busy, we didn't even do a christmas tree this year...kind of a bummer.
But I do hope you have a great Christmas!


12/21/2006 8:51 AM  
Blogger Professor Fate said...

You hvae an HNT Christmas wish over waiting for you.

12/21/2006 9:32 AM  
Blogger Pheebs said...

I hear ya...I'm not usually festive-y anyway but this year even less...

12/21/2006 12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He took mine too...

12/21/2006 2:32 PM  
Blogger JM said...

But you know--the Grinch likes Christmas now.

12/21/2006 3:51 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

Lindsey- The Grinch has also stolen your blogging. What is going on with you?

12/21/2006 10:04 PM  
Blogger Groanin' Jock said...

Watch Home Alone - that will cure your Christmas blues!

12/22/2006 4:18 AM  
Blogger Princess Pessimism said...

I think this is the first year, that im actually excited about christmas. I bought LOTS of great gifts....everyones gonna be happy this year. So...maybe that has something to do with it.

12/22/2006 11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most people feel that way this year for some reason. Its to get in the spirit...

12/22/2006 12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!"

I am a big dork who is going to be the voice of dissent in your comments and tell you to buck up! "Because if you can't say it at Christmas, then when can you?"

(I want to punch myself a little, too...so your feelings toward me right now are perfectly natural).

You HAD plenty of Christmas cheer, you just sent it all to some guys who need it a little bit more than you. Know what I did to get in the spirit? Even though I am totally broke, I asked for a bunch of single dollar bills this morning and have been tipping right and left - just a dollar here and there. The looks on people's faces - like the dude at Starbucks who is always SO damn friendly - is worth it, even though it's just a couple of dollar bills. And yes, I am a saint. *lightning bolt*

Well?...You're an angel!

12/22/2006 12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So with you on that. Been mentioning it in my blog too. it's weird. I'm usually the FIRST to put up my tree and all that jazz. Don't even have tree up this year. Bah!

12/22/2006 11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey love
you feeling better yet?
you know where i am if you need to chat some more
take care

12/23/2006 7:14 AM  

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