Tuesday, December 18, 2007

All Mine

Have you ever let something get under your skin...something that is so fantastically stupid, that you feel exasperated at yourself for feeling that way?

Yeah well, I suffered from a humiliating bout of pouting this weekend. An act so completely rediculous that I am embarrassed to even admit it.


Ok, so it's like this...I learned that a man that I had dated very, very briefly this year...is now dating someone else and for some unexplained reason, I found myself a little miffed and caught off guard.

The punchline to this whole debacle is that I never really like him romantically to begin with. I have no interest in dating him now and honestly I hardly ever even talk to him. Yet, for some reason, when I found out...there was an immediate and unexpected flicker of jealousy.

Like, 'I saw him first.'

I realize it is selfish and stupid but part of me feels like I have a claim staked. And while I don't want him...I don't want anyone else to have him either.

You needn't worry...I'm entirely aware of how rediculous I sound and I'm not proud.


Blogger Osbasso said...

You are a silly girl.

12/18/2007 7:56 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

Human nature. We all do it.

12/18/2007 9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a wonderfully refreshing human being ... be a little easier on yourself...

12/18/2007 11:11 PM  
Blogger Autumn Storm said...

Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. I get a tug when I see complete strangers, openly loving couples especially if they are bouncing babies on their knees. Now who is silly, ;-), feel better?

12/19/2007 12:41 AM  
Blogger Dude said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12/19/2007 7:47 AM  
Blogger Mad Munkey said...

The grass is always greener... but it still has to get mowed regularly.

12/19/2007 7:49 AM  
Blogger Miss Ash said...

I felt the same way a few months ago. I had rejected someone who wanted to date me and then I found out he had moved on and I was annoyed. Like he should be pining after me forever LOL.

12/19/2007 10:28 AM  
Blogger Professor Fate said...

If you love something let it go:
if it comes back to you it is yours forever;
If it doesn't - hunt it down and kill it.

Maybe that isn't appropriate here. The fact that you know it is ridiculous tells me that you have the situation well in hand.

Merry Christmas, Georgia girl.

12/19/2007 3:03 PM  
Blogger yrautca said...

On the bright side you dated plenty this year.

12/20/2007 9:29 PM  
Blogger Courtney O. said...

Oh girl. Totally justified :)
LOL - kidding, but we all do it or have done that with people that we've dated. Never ever do we get too old for jealousy!!

12/20/2007 11:04 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

Oh honey, we've all been there!

12/21/2007 7:27 PM  

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