The Green Eyed Monster Made Me Do It
His computer is know he stays logged into his email. Hmmmmmm. No, no you shouldn't do that...that would be wrong. You tap your fingers on the desk, staring at the, no I'm not going to be that girl. You bite your lower lip, your fingers tapping faster...Well, what if you just used his computer for something else, you know, like to get the latest scoop on Kevin and Britney...there's no harm in that right? So what if you accidentally hit the wrong button and Oooops, up pops his email inbox. It was an accident right...but while you're there...who in the hell is....??????
Jealousy is powerful...almost like a drug. One that most of us have tussled with at least once and probably were driven to do it's bidding.
It's bidding, meaning something spectacularly stupid and idiotic. Something we would never do in our normal, well adjusted lives. *wink-wink*
Now, I'm sure we've all learned from our growing pains (I hope) but come on... I want to hear about the stupidest things the Green Eyed Monster has driven you to do...and if you feel better, you can do it anonymously. :o)
I accused two friends of sleeping with my wife (because she was spending more time with them than me). It turned out to be the third of mi amigos.
Me, I'm really strange. Jealously has never caused me to do anything really stupid. (Other than some slight personal improvement and styling changes). I know this sounds really weird to many folks too. But we never did find out yours, right? Cheers, 'VJ'
I honestly wanted to answer this, but after a full day of thinking about it, nothing came to mind. Or I've wiped it from there completely! Maybe the midnight drive-by, but I don't recall!
oh girl we've all done it. i looked in on an ex-girlfriend's emails and found out all kinds of stuff I did not want to know... being in love with her ex being the topper... her RESPONSE ... shouldnt have looked. ha. serves me right! thanks for sharing your very human story, except I just realized you did not actually TELL yours... yikes... well mine is out in blogland now!
He gave me his pager code, when we broke up I continued to check his messages to see who he was talking to.
First time I felt it? I was 15 and boy did it ring loud in my head. It's pretty common.
Ok, ok...I might have noticed some skanky girls leaving him Myspace messages so I totally checked out their pages to see what they were about and if there was anything questionable going on there.
What can I say, Myspace is the devil. Ha and that wasn't too terribly long ago. Oh well :o) But if that's the worst thing I've ever done then I'm not doing too bad.
I'm so jealous right now I cannot stand it. I'll not do anything about it because i'm a pussy when it comes down to it. However, I wish it was me there right now. What to do? Woe is me.
You know, I actually have a story about this. Im NOT a jealous person at all....but my ex had some issues about lying when we were together. He gave me his email password (which was actually my name) and said "If you ever have ANY doubt please check my email, and you'll see you have nothing to worry about"
WELL, One day, i took him up on it. I checked...and there were SO many emails from a girl in there where all they said was "Love you" "you're the best boyfriend ever" and a bunch of other random things that I should have only been saying to him.
Regardless, I emailed him, and told him he was a fucking DICK, plus a bunch of other choice words, and that was essentially the end of our relationship. We're great friends now, but it took us about a year to become friends, and I still dont even trust him 60%.
What you wrote? Uhh...that. I did that.
1- isn't that the whole point of myspace?
2-once upon a time i was uber obsesseed. for me, it was a big red flag that the relationship needed to end. imo.
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