Monday, October 02, 2006

Something Old, Something New

Having not dated in 6 years, I am admittedly behind the times when it comes to the rules of dating.

So I'll ask you.

In a time when first dates are replaced with group dates, I have to wonder...

Is traditional romancing still alive?

In my prior dating life, men picked you up at your home and opened the car door for you. They paid for dinner on the first date and shooed you away when you offered to pay.

Now the Single Girl's Survival Guide advises that in this day and age it's much wiser to meet your date in a pre-determined location so that you not only avoid having a stranger know where you live but you also don't have to rely on someone else to get you home if the date is going badly and you need to bail. Both excellent points.

However, I can't help but to shed a tear for what feels like a loss.

Here's to tradition and romance and hoping that it still draws breath....somewhere.


Blogger DZER said...

amen, darlin'!

10/02/2006 8:21 PM  
Blogger SaffronSaris said...

I would agree with the suggestion to meet at a pre-determined place, more for the reason of my own privacy and security. It's sweet when dates offer to walk me all the way to the door, but I'd rather give them a wide berth until I ascertain they are not going to turn out to be the loony-possessive-"I need to know where you are every minute" types.
Yeah, I still get pretty freaked up whenever anyone sugggests they pick me up at my place, unless they are my girlfriends of course.

10/02/2006 8:27 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Saffron: I know. I agree with it also. It really is just a matter of personal security. I guess it's just kind of sad that things can't be like they used to.

10/02/2006 8:43 PM  
Blogger blackcrag said...

Me! Me! I do still do that!

Well, I would, if I was actually dating, which I'm not. But I would.

What'cha doin' Saturday night?

10/02/2006 9:12 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

It is sad, but seems like the wackos have really started to flourish. Maybe virtual dating is not far away :(

10/02/2006 10:18 PM  
Blogger yrautca said...

Other than transportation arrangements (meaning drive your own car), I still do the other stuff - open door, pay the tab etc. I think driving yourself has many advantages including ones you indicated. If date is going great and you live with your parents, you have two cars to choose from to make out in the back seat.

10/02/2006 10:22 PM  
Blogger Outdoorsy Girl said...

It is sad that it has come down to this, isn't it? Dating is nothing like it used to be.

I have discovered that there are a few gentlemen still left out there. But finding them before someone else finds them??? Well, that's the problem.


10/03/2006 12:05 AM  
Blogger Autumn Storm said...

Here's to tradition and romance and hoping that it still draws breath....somewhere
Think of fairies - believe and you will see....eventually :-)

10/03/2006 12:43 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

Lindsey- I agree with you 100%. Dating should not equal paranoia, or a lack of the finer points of romance such as pulling out a chair, opening a door, or a short, but tantalizing goodnight kiss before walking away at the end of a first date.

10/03/2006 7:22 AM  
Blogger Miss Ash said...

Is that book any good? Perhaps i should pick it up, i've been out on dates with 4 different people in the last 7 years ....

10/03/2006 11:04 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

maybe it's a "Canadian" thing, but my last couple of first dates have been of the pick-me-up-open-car-door variety and I wouldn't want it any other way

10/03/2006 11:06 AM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Ms. Ash... :o) I'll let you know how good it is when I finish writing it.

10/03/2006 11:16 AM  
Blogger Woodrow said...

Don't believe what you read. Chivalry is still alive and well. At least in my little corner of the world.

10/03/2006 11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think traditional romancing is sucking its last breath on the mortuary slab.


10/03/2006 12:04 PM  
Blogger Tai said...

It's sad but true. But, safety first!

10/03/2006 2:07 PM  
Blogger buffalodick said...

Try looking for a guy that says things like "please" and "thank-you". Good manners usually denote a level of respect. Chances are he holds doors open and pays for dates too. I think they call it old fashioned, but class is timeless.

10/03/2006 4:55 PM  
Blogger Princess Pessimism said...

Okay..MAYBE have those kind of dates After you get to know them....i dont want creepy strangers knowing where I live either....

10/03/2006 5:09 PM  
Blogger Joe Tornatore said...

chivalry is dead.

10/03/2006 8:28 PM  
Blogger FU said...

i imagine i'd like to be chivalrous... but the girls i date are so unappreciative of it.

i think the girls that want it don't get it.. the girls that don't want it are smothered in it.

So.. act like you don't want chivalry.. maybe your knight might come knocking.

*knock knock*


10/04/2006 1:41 AM  
Blogger Professor Fate said...

I said something very profound. I wonder where I posted it?

10/04/2006 11:06 AM  
Blogger Valerie said...

word!!!!! *sniff sniff*

10/04/2006 2:21 PM  
Blogger NotCarrie said...

Aw, I want someone to romance me:(

10/06/2006 4:03 PM  

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