Wednesday, September 13, 2006


If there is one thing I took from my travel overseas, it was the reminder that being single can be fabulous.

(Leave it to me to have to travel thousands of miles across the ocean in order to remember that.)

I had forgotten how nice it was to be carefree.

To meet new and interesting people and to forget about everything that had been tying you down and just let loose.

I had forgotten how nice it was to flirt and be flirted with.

To kiss a boy...or two...or three.

To know that someone thinks your sexy.

To know that someone thought so much of you that they had to build up the courage to come talk to you.


Blogger Unknown said...

One day I will reach that point I hope...

I would probably have to travel to see it as well.

9/13/2006 8:10 PM  
Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

The chicks are all over me.

Got more of 'em than I know what to.....
-breaks down-

Maybe a trip across the pond will help.

9/13/2006 8:12 PM  
Blogger Pheebs said...

Amen. A-MEN. To all of that. I was just recounting the many advantages of being single to myself today as well, and it included all of sounds ugly but I'll say it: sometimes it's fun to be a little selfish...

9/13/2006 8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats what makes all the craziness so worth while! You go girl! ~M

9/13/2006 10:25 PM  
Blogger yrautca said...

hear hear...

single life has its advantages, some of you mentioned already. yes, its fun to be available and have so many possibilities.

sometimes though i wish i had someone to share everything with.

it would be great to casually get to know someone over time and then commit to them - no pressures or strings.

9/13/2006 11:05 PM  
Blogger Professor Fate said...

Baby doll, you are know where close to a has been.

I found I like kissing girls, but I don't need the competition so please keeping kissing boys.

Care free is good. Meeting new and interesting people is better. Flirting with the same new and interesting people is better still.

We all know you are sexy. I does rock when some builds up that courage.

Welcome back (again) and have a great week(end)

9/13/2006 11:09 PM  
Blogger blackcrag said...

ummm... I thought we (your readers) had already made taht "not a has-been" point to you?

I know I tried...

9/13/2006 11:55 PM  
Blogger Keshi said...

true Linny but Im tired of being asked 'why r u single' its such a smart Qn.


9/14/2006 1:14 AM  
Blogger Px said...

heh heh

you minx


9/14/2006 3:49 AM  
Blogger Chuckles said...

No one qualifies for has been until they are at least 45.

9/14/2006 9:29 AM  
Blogger Miss Ash said...

I am the worst flirter in the world. I have noooo game whatsoever. Jennifer on the other hand is the flirting queen. She giggles and tosses her head back, bites on her finger and twirls her hair, its magical.

9/14/2006 9:49 AM  
Blogger Valerie said...

heck no you aren't. and neither am I. WE GO GIRL! :D

9/14/2006 3:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

And you thought I was withholding information!

Do tell, lady! The guy? Not too ugly, huh?

9/14/2006 5:13 PM  
Blogger Outdoorsy Girl said...

No where close to a has been!

I couldn't have gone away out west all this summer if I weren't single. Well, I could have, but it probably wouldn't have been right. (And NO where near as fun! lol)

Sometimes I wish that I had someone special to share all these great experiences I have, but since I don't at the moment I just enjoy the single aspect of it all as much as possible.

9/14/2006 5:54 PM  
Blogger SaffronSaris said...

Of course you are not a has-been, even if you are in your fifties, you are still entitled to go out and have fun. Whoever said age is an issue?

9/14/2006 8:34 PM  
Blogger Courtney O. said...

You're not a "has been" my Linny dear. You're one hot mama!!! You still got it girl - just don't forget it!

9/14/2006 8:58 PM  
Blogger DZER said...

next time ... travel my way ;)

9/14/2006 10:22 PM  
Blogger Princess Pessimism said...

You were kissing three boys over there?? Lets hope that NONE of them had Hep A missy....

Crap, I wont even share Lip gloss with strangers....and if someone wants to make out with me, I always know who they are...and I have already established that they have NEVER had a cold sore. This is very important to me...

I dont do a lot of random stranger terrified of getting hep a.

9/14/2006 10:52 PM  
Blogger Autumn Storm said...

A 'has been'! Whatever it was that had you thinking along those terms, good riddance.
:-) I imagine a trail of broken hearts across the nation, well, maybe that's a bit dramatic, a lasting impression then.
Its so good to read your smile in these last posts, sounds like the UK left a lasting impression on you too.

9/15/2006 3:15 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

how fabulous!! (and something to keep in mind when moping about singledome ...)

9/15/2006 2:54 PM  
Blogger Big Ben said...

As long as those guys were sober! Kidding!

9/15/2006 6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do these things require being single ? (except for the two or three part of course)

9/17/2006 10:25 PM  
Blogger Jaime said...

Exactly... and just think of all the married people out there wishing they were single... he he.

9/18/2006 1:54 AM  

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