Sunday, March 12, 2006

Guilty Guilty Guilty

I was making my way towards the grocery check out this morning when I made a last minute decision to not purchase one of the items in my basket.

Now keep in mind that I am generally a pretty strict 'do the right thing' type of person. So normally when I decide that I don't want to get an item, I will walk back to where I got it and put it in it's proper place instead of leaving it on a random shelf. I used to work in retail, I know what a pain in the ass it is for the employees when customers are lazy.

Well, today...just this once, I was in a bit of a hurry and the aisle to which this item belonged was on the other side of the store. Seeing as how I have NEVER been one to break this type of rule, I figure I've got a bit of good karma stored up on my side so it would be ok if I set it aside just this once. Problem was...this item needed to be refrigerated. I looked around and noticed that the refrigerated shelves where they keep the eggs was close by so I headed that way...already feeling guilty.

Unfortunately for me, there were people standing in front of the eggs so I fienged interest in the various boxes of cereal on a nearby shelf. I wanted the area to be clear. No witnesses. But as one person would leave...another would walk up. I continued to browse the cereals...stealing glances over my shoulder as often as 'not coming off creepy' rules would allow. At one point an older woman caught my eye and it was like she could read my mind...she knew what I was planning. GUILT!!!!!

I finally got the all clear and hurried over to my shelves. With a final look around the area to ensure no witnesses, I dropped my item on the shelf and ran like hell.


Blogger Natalie said...

LOL Just a few days ago, my son tried to put a refrigerated item, a "lunchable," in the frozen food section instead of putting it back where he got it. I was fussing at him, stating that we have to do the right thing & put it back where it came from when an older couple rounded the corner. The lady congratulated me for telling son to take it back.. as she gave her husband the evil eye & said he still puts things in the wrong place. I bet he wished they'd not run into me!

3/12/2006 7:49 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Ok you said you were in a rush right? Well how much time did you waste trying to put this item in the wrong place? ;) Next time just take it up with you when you are checking out and hand it to the checker tell them you changed your mind and they will give it to a bagger to take it back. Believe me as a former bagger it is better to have a costomer hand you stuff they don't want then having to walk all over the damn store looking for out of place items.

3/12/2006 7:57 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Mybelle...I know, Iknow. But I was at Walmart so when I say I was at the opposite end...I was way the hell over there. Plus it was so was hard even moving through the aisles. Besides...after awhile, it just became a matter of principle. I had set my mind on putting it I was going to put it there come hell or high water.

3/12/2006 8:50 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

LOL!! I have done this at Wal-Mart too. The place is huge and always waaaay too crowded to make it back to the other side.

3/12/2006 9:58 PM  
Blogger Autumn Storm said...

:-D Wish I could have seen you hightail it out of the egg section LOL.

3/12/2006 10:48 PM  
Blogger TotalChaos said...

You sound just like me in this regard. LOL

3/12/2006 10:49 PM  
Blogger Valerie said...

Just give it to the checker next time. I do it all the time. They are happy to take it.

3/12/2006 11:23 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Oh well you didn't say you were at Wal-Mart...I can't stand Wal-Mart, then it was find what you did ;)

3/13/2006 12:39 AM  
Blogger Px said...

heh heh
you're bad
i mean proper bad
i mean bad karma will be heading your way kinda bad
although i must confess, i've done that once too, but not with groceries

3/13/2006 4:16 AM  
Blogger SaffronSaris said...

Ho Linny, on behalf of all store assistants past (that includes me), present and future, I shall BOOOOOOO you (very nicely of course, considering you always did the right thing, unlike some recalcitrant people)

3/13/2006 4:30 AM  
Blogger Cari said...

Everyone has one of those days but if your in a rush the check out person will take whatever you don't need.

3/13/2006 7:52 AM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

With all the time you spent waiting on the people to leave so you could drop the item in the wrong place unseen, you could have made it back to where you got it in the first place...


3/13/2006 8:52 AM  
Blogger Courtney O. said...

LOL - my hubby always yells at me when I do stuff like that. But I feel ya - you were in a hurry!

3/13/2006 8:57 AM  
Blogger Nick said...

Oh... well you know that there is a special place in hell for people who do that. ;)

3/13/2006 10:02 AM  
Blogger B said...

I'm in the same boat with you Linny....I hate doing it, but there have been a few days where I've got x amount of time to get 45812657488 things done and so I just set the unwanted item aside and hope to hell that no one is looking.

It's always the old women that catch you though...every time

3/13/2006 12:34 PM  
Blogger Miss Scarlet said...

That's funny bc when I worked one Christmas season at Old Navy I was HAPPY for people to mess up things to give me something to do. But now, at my part time bookstore job, I get annoyed when things aren't put away. People leave STACKS of books, it's insane.

3/13/2006 12:40 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

I usually leave it with the cashier, just say "I changed my mind..." although I can't say I have never pulled the "i'll just leave it here" move.

3/13/2006 1:57 PM  
Blogger Drywall Mom said...

I wouldn't get too torn up about it. I sometimes do the same thing. The worst one I hate is when I get to the checkout counter and my son has put an item in the cart that I didn't see and I am already checking out and have to give it to them b/c I not going to get him the item. Usually b/c it's candy.

3/13/2006 3:16 PM  
Blogger Sass said...

i've done that several times where i just got so tired of waiting around and just ditched the cart.

3/13/2006 5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grave, grave & grave error for Thou has invoked the anger of the Gods of hell!!! But forgiveness shall be thine for it is the first time!
As for myself, I normally unload the burden onto the poor cashier.

3/13/2006 6:29 PM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

The few times that I have done that I feel guilty as well. I used to work retail and it always took us an hour to put back everything that people messed up and put in the wrong place.

3/13/2006 7:30 PM  
Blogger Okie said...

That was hilarious. I've done it and felt just as guilty. One thing I won't do, though, is leave a shopping basket out on the loose. Those things can do some damage.

3/13/2006 8:45 PM  
Blogger Chuckles said...

All karma is bad. So is WalMart. The Waltons give millions to their own charity that is solelly dedicated to lobbying Congress to dismantle the public education system of America. Do everyone a favor and never shop at WalMart again.

As for the post, you should feel so horribly guilty. Or not, it is up to you.

3/14/2006 11:13 AM  
Blogger Josh said...


I've done the exact same thing and felt sooo guilty too. We are to funny.

3/14/2006 8:41 PM  
Blogger SS said...

Sometimes when I'm at the store I'll pick up an item that is supposed to be cold and find that it is kind of warm -- I always wonder if someone had just left it sitting somewhere and then it got stuck back in with the cold foods. It makes me suspicious of that item and then I won't buy it.

3/15/2006 2:24 PM  
Blogger Maja said...

haha! YOu probably could have taken it back to where it belonged in that time...

3/17/2006 12:00 AM  
Blogger Agnes said...

LOL You crack me up! Most often I'll backtrack to put that stuff up, but once in a while, and usually with the husband nearby, I'll just say "Yeah, we don't need this." and plop something right on a shelf beside me.

I'd feel guilty but I've worked in the food industry for E V E R and I know how lazy stores can be too.
(check the best buy dates if you have a doubt...because they don't. They leave it to the consumer to do that.)

Nah, it all evens out in the end. ;)

3/17/2006 7:59 PM  
Blogger Agnes said...

OMG...I just realized you were at Wal-Mart.
Ok, I feel for the employees but really...Wal-Mart is hell. Anything I do in a Wal-Mart is forgiven by a higher power.

3/17/2006 8:00 PM  

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