Thursday, July 13, 2006

Handsy Man

Oh yeah. I meet men.

As a matter of fact I met one this weekend.

Well...he looks more like a boy, but he is of legal age so for all intents and purposes, we'll say he's a man.

He's a friend of a friend so we've 'hung out' at a few parties. (And by 'hung out', I mean he chased me around and I ran away.) His idea of showing interest was to molest me and I swore that if his hand attempted to crawl up my thigh one more time I was going to break it.

When I spotted him Saturday night, I dove behind my friend Kelly. "Shit shit shit shit shit!"

"Linny! Hey...I thought that was you!"

With the words "Shit" and "Fuck" alternating on repeat in my head, I gave an Oscar winning perfomance, bearing my teeth in my biggest 'eat shit and die' smile and exclaiming, "Oh! I didn't see you over there. How are you?" When I was really thinking... I don't give a damn how you are, just how far away you'll be staying from me tonight.

In under 30 seconds his hands were snaking towards my body and I was running away again.

See, THIS is the type of idiot that is darkening my doorway.


Blogger Pheebs said...

why didn't you break his hand like you originally planned? Can I please be there when you do it? Pretty please?

7/13/2006 10:20 PM  
Blogger DCVita said...

HAHA! Don't you hate when that happens? The guys you want to give you the attention, never do; and the ones you are repulsed by are the ones all over you.

7/13/2006 10:45 PM  
Blogger mistyblue3 said...

ewwwww. You should tell him out right to eat a dick. Assholes like that never get it!

7/13/2006 11:08 PM  
Blogger SaffronSaris said...

Whack him, this guy deserves it. And I so agree with dcvita. The guys we are keen on can't see us, while those we aren't keen on see us ffrom a gazillion miles away. Life has to be better than this huh?

7/14/2006 12:12 AM  
Blogger Dzeni said...

Eww! Tell him to get lost!

7/14/2006 1:17 AM  
Blogger Px said...

i'm a touchy feely guy...but only when i know someone is ok with it
there's nothing wrong with it when it's done right
but when the woman is "unreceptive" you just don't do it

7/14/2006 4:25 AM  
Blogger Ekta said...

ooohh yuukkkss!
Hate such characters...must say u have immense patience!
He would have slapped by me in the first instance!

7/14/2006 5:08 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

Why call him an idiot? He obviously finds you irresistable. Are you saying that's a sign of mental deficiency?

7/14/2006 6:29 AM  
Blogger TrĂ©e said...

Phil has a point. At least call him the idiot with good taste in women. :-D

7/14/2006 9:20 AM  
Blogger Professor Fate said...

I vote for a good public slap. This "man" has to be house broken. You treat people with respect. You stay out of their personal space in less invited in. Even then, there is a time and a place for everything. "Roman" hands and "Russian" fingers are something that be displayed publically.

Just slap him (if has been warned).

7/14/2006 9:30 AM  
Blogger Chuckles said...

If you don't like him, tell him so. Otherwise he'll just keep trying and annoying the hell out of you.

7/14/2006 9:47 AM  
Blogger Sherry said...

Time to live in a bubble, Linny. That's the only way you're gonna get rid of this guy.

7/14/2006 9:52 AM  
Blogger JM said...

I've been taught never to touch someone unless they want to be touched.
Well basically I taught myself that since I also don't like to be touched during conversation by people.
You should have let him know. Some people can be such idiots.

7/14/2006 11:02 AM  
Blogger Miss Ash said...

Here is my question. Why have you let this continue on? To be polite a simple "I don't like to be molested hands off" would suffice, otherwise you could go on a tangent asking why he feels an entitlement to your body. I refuse to put up with grabby hands that are unwanted. I told a guy to get his fucking hands off me and to get out once at a store while i was working, he pinched my bum.

7/14/2006 12:23 PM  
Blogger blackcrag said...

You have knee... he has balls (small insignificant ones, but balls nonetheless). Your knee, his balls. There's a message there, and if he doesn't get that one, invite me or one or two of your other very big male friends around to his place one day. Then he'll get a different message.

(If you give my your address, I'll light up your doorway, not darken it!)

7/14/2006 2:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

At least you aren't yet to the point where you just say "eh, fuck it. Girl's gotta' get some."

When you get there, let us know and we'll send escorts.

7/14/2006 2:27 PM  
Blogger berly02 said...

He is a make you feel icky man. No good at all.

7/14/2006 3:11 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Honestly, I've avoided him and tried to be diplomatic for the sake of our mutual friends and b/c he's not a bad guy. He's just wierd and has boundary issues.

I think he's finally gotten the hint. After I kept blowing him off, I walked up and he had his hand on some other girl's leg. I said, "Oh you've made yourself a friend." To which he replied, " Well I had to. You don't seem to be coming around any time soon."

7/14/2006 3:32 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

Sounds like this guy doesn't know how to talk... would rather just plow ahead to second base. LOSER.

7/14/2006 4:38 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

At least it was his hands coming at you and not another part of his anatomy. LOL! Poor Linny!!

7/14/2006 11:24 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

I'd say slap him one, but he would probably be into it. Psstt.. I like the ones that look that way :|

7/15/2006 1:45 AM  
Blogger Valerie said...

on my birthday party, my friend brought his cousin who was VERY good looking. We did our little flirting and whatnot that night, EARLY in the night. But shit, by the end of the night, he was trying to have sex with me ANYWHERE and would not leave me alone. I was literally running away from him by the end of the night. He came on WAY too strong. Jezzzz! Men!!!

7/15/2006 12:51 PM  
Blogger FU said...

just be polite, but make sure he doesnt grope u.. thats not very nice.

its loozers like him that make the rest of us look bad.

but then again.. u are a cutie! so i dont blame him from being so gropey!

7/15/2006 11:34 PM  

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