Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Falling From the Sky

Long time readers know that my last few years have been filled with something a little less cheery than sunshine. A blizzard? Tornado? Flood? Tsunami?

I needed a release. A way to let go. A way to look in the eyes of the person(s) that caused said disaster in Linnyland and give them the finger.

So what did I do?

I threw myself out of a plane.


For my 31st birthday, I got myself strapped to a fantastically goodlooking man, said a small prayer and threw myself into nothingness.

Lept with reckless abandon.

So what if Mr. Fantastic did a double somersault straight out the back door without warning me first. As soon as I realized that this wasn't the stupidest thing I've ever done and I wasn't going to throw up, it was pretty damn cool.

If you've never jumped out of a plane before...I liken it to diving into a swiming pool. The cold air hits you in the face and goes up your nose. You're not sure which way is up, which is down or whether you're standing on your head. But once the bubbles clear...you see the world from a whole new perspective.

There is nothing like floating thousands of feet in the air, feeling the wind wrap a protective arm around you...holding you up so you can soar through the clouds...experience long awaited freedom and drown out all the voices, all the people, all the opinions that have been stalking you. Plaguing you.

I let it all go.

Left them to fall where they may.

For one brief, magnificent window of time...I was free.

I could hear Mr. Fantastic screaming my ear. "Wooooo! Isn't this fantastic? Isn't this beautiful?" And I couldn't help but to think...yes...it is.

I don't know how long we were in the air but the green grass snuck up on us and all too soon I was gliding in...landing softly in Mr. Fantastic's lap.

I turn 32 in five months...wonder how I'm going to top that.


Blogger yrautca said...

Ok I am afraid of heights (I think, despite living on the 29th floor of my building). But I might look into skydiving. You should go on a roadtrip, or white water rafting, or sailing. So you didnt hear any voices when you were falling out of the sky?

2/17/2009 8:38 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Nah, the wind was too loud in my ears. :o) Drowned everything else out.

2/17/2009 9:02 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

Awesome. I don't have the guts to do that. Huge admiration for you!

2/19/2009 12:42 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

You've got a whole lot more guts than I.

2/19/2009 10:57 PM  
Blogger melinda said...

Bungee jumping?

In all seriousness, I used to do a LOT of white water rafting. It totally rocks. Go to Colorado and find a stretch of the Arkansas River... that is the best white water river I've ever rafted, and there are plenty of commercial companies that will provide all the gear and equipment for you.

2/20/2009 10:43 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

oh my god, our little Lindsey is going to be 32 in 5 months! I can't believe how our little girl is all grown up now. You and I first started blogging when we were both much younger.

2/21/2009 6:19 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


What? I'm old. I just turned 32. D'oh!


2/21/2009 8:22 PM  
Blogger JM said...

I am terribly afraid of heights. I can't even look off balconies. Wow, you are brave!

2/22/2009 2:15 PM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

They used to pay me an extra $110 a month do do that...

3/08/2009 6:02 AM  
Blogger Joe Tornatore said...

great post. i haven't been here in ages.

8/31/2009 7:21 PM  

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